
What can we do about Limiting Beliefs
Firstly, understand that our beliefs aren’t the truth. They’re just things we think. They feel real to us. Other people have different beliefs, which feel real to them. None of these beliefs are objectively true.
If I were to ask you to tell me what you believe about yourself, and then I asked your family and friends what their beliefs about you are, chances are there would bequite a few differences. Different people simply believe different things.
Limiting beliefs are what you believe about yourself that limit your abilities. Sometimes we’re aware of these negative beliefs, while at other times we’re not because they’re unconscious. Limitations are actually a product of the mind. In reality, there are no limitations on a person. Anything can be done if you put your mind to it.
The unconscious mind’s job is to support our beliefs, whatever they might be. Whena belief is installed (often by the age of five or six) the unconscious mind doesn’t evaluate it. It accepts that it’s true then goes about looking for evidence to support that belief.
The unconscious mind is exceptionally good at finding evidence, whatever our beliefhappens to be. If you believe that you’re hopeless at maths, you’ll only notice the times when you make mistakes, calculate the wrong change in a shop etc. All the times that your math calculations work perfectly well, will go completely unnoticed.
This is because they don’t support your belief that you’re hopeless in this aspect of life. On the other hand, if you believe you’re good at maths, then you can experience exactly the same things, but now you’ll notice how often you get things right. The times you run into difficulties or make mistakes will just be seen as uncharacteristic slip- ups and unimportant.
Zapping limiting beliefs
A session with a good coach or Neural CoderTM could soon unearth the key negative beliefs you hold, however with a little focus you can usually find the major ones you need to work on yourself.
Take some time to think about and listen to the phrases you often say to or about yourself when things don’t go quite to plan. Is “I’m such an idiot!”, “why do I always
end up in a mess like this?”, “I’m useless!” or “Why can’t I do anything right?” one of your most frequent sayings?
Unconscious language patterns are often direct pointers to underlying beliefs that we’re stupid or useless and nothing we do is ever going to be right, or that we don’t deserve to be happy.
Unconscious language patterns are often direct pointers to underlying beliefs that we’re stupid or useless and nothing we do is ever going to be right, or that we don’t deserve to be happy.
A great way of noticing this is to observe yourself for a week. Notice
what you say to yourself and watch what you do. Ask yourself, “What do I believe about myself that allows me to say this, or do this?” Notice what comes up for you.
Just being aware of what might be running will allow you to observe it, this way it will lose its power.
You will create a pattern interrupt and disrupt the coding that runs automatically by observing your thoughts, this will help in the short term and give you a break from the limiting belief. You will also be able to see it for what it is and how often it showsup. If you want it to be gone and replace it with a new empowering belief then connect with a qualified Coach who can do this for you, it will take no more than three sessions and last a lifetime.
Fortunately with Neural Coding™ we can delete the limiting belief and install new empowering beliefs, it’s fast and it lasts.Note…..